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Coubertin meets Dunant

By embodying the spirits of Pierre de Coubertin, sports official and founder of the International Olympic Committee, and Henry B. Dunant, humanist and founder of the International Red Cross, the project strives to make a lasting, positive impact in the lives of young people by promoting their talent internationally, regardless of their origin, gender or social status.

The “Pierre de Coubertin meets Henry B. Dunant” project currently includes two “Youth Athlete Programs” which promote the talent of young athletes internationally.

Youth Elite Athlete Program


Youth Athlete Program

Current ambassadors and initiators of the project include:

Marcel Hug

Jürg Stahl

Swiss NOC President,

former President of the National Council of Switzerland

Kurt Aeschbacher

(lic rer. pol)

Journalist and Entrepreneur

Reto Ammann

Chairman of the Board

SBW Haus des Lernens

Paralympic Medalist,

Laureus Award Winner,

Alumni Talent-Campus

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